



This message is really for Keith Ramsey but others may be interested


Whilst doing a little web searching for BRISTOL COAL I came across the
following pages on a site called "Memories of Bristol England Past and
Present" ( <> )



They appear to be a straight copy of Keith's excellent booklet on the
Bristol Coal Industry.  Apart from:-


Keith's introduction and overview of the Coalfield is missing

"Introduction" is Keith's Appendex 1, 

"1854" is Keith's "The coalfield before 1854" 

"scale" is Keith's "After 1854: The scale of the Industry"

The appendix on trade unions is missing as is any reference to sources notes


Instead of the table of amounts of coal worked from the 1871 commisioners'
report there is just a statement "the results of their calculations are pure
guess work." !!

Figure 1 is also omitted along with the reference to it and half the
following sentence so that the next sentence starts .. City Boundaries (and
makes no sense!!)

The rest of this chapter (including Victorian views and the decline of the
industry are missing)


(oh, by the way, this comes up on my browser with a tag "Bristol Churches"


I am assuming Keith doesn't know anything about this as I first came across
this site where there is also a list of mining fatalities lifted from Doreen
Lindegaards series of publications "killed in a coalpit" without any consent
nor even an acknowledgement


Which goes to prove there is a lot of copied stuff out there and much of it
(as in this case) is poorly done


