

Hi Mogg..
>>sounds like a rerun of that whole thing about the solar lodge of the OTO and Charlie Manson - (there's an article on the internet by PR Koenig with some of the documents and background to that)<<
Except that the current accusations against the OTO are completely unfounded and come from a charismatic Christian loon. The OTO is very, very respectable these days.
>>Talking of which - i read somewhere that the 'kill the pigs' slogan came from a crowley ritual - does anyone know if that's true??<<
Dunno. Never read or heard it myself. But pig sacrifice was certainly a part of ancient Greek chthonic ritual, to goddesses such as Demeter and Persephone and was performed in women's ritual such as the Thesmophoria. Pigs were also utilised as methods of purification ie/ see Aeschylus's Orestian trilogy etc. But then again... we're talking about two different types of pigs here... aren't we.  ;-)