

Mandrake of Oxford <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>But wouldn't you agree that crowley is a bit sui generis - and that =
>maybe there is a need for some sort of label to distinguish his brand of =
>transgressive magick from others?? Afterall many people are initially =
>attracted to crowley/thelema because of its taboo nature - and there has =
>been a steady stream of internal criticism (internal to the neo-pagan =
>community) of some of the ritual work he created. 

No argument that Crowley was an enfant terrible or, if you prefer, bete noir, of his time.  Transgressive spirituality--whether it be tantra, crazy wisdom, or some other school--poses difficulty for more asceticaly-minded people.  Much of the internal criticsm I've heard of Crowley deals with him as an individual...although some have remarked that ceremonial magic in general is too sterile or churchy.  But such criticisms are based on personal preference, and not actual content.

>Liber S* is afterall - =
>an evocation of demons 

Crowley also considered it an invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel.  ;o)  He knew the original Greek meaning of the word daimon, and wasn't beyond tweaking people's knee-jerk reactions.  Although I think the ritual is more about the autohypnotic effect of "barbarous words" than their questionable etymologies.

- and even reading what you wrote of the Cakes of =
>Life - most ordinary folk are going to find that a tiny winny bit =

Oh, no question at all there.

>ps: I'd forgotten that crowley sued for libel over that -=20
>but presumably he lost - 

He did lose:  The jury concluded that he had no reputation to damage!

>personally i prefer to avoid talk of libel - it =
>can be a bit of a wet blanket on debate - although if the case was rerun =
>today - do you really think he would fare any better??

I certainly don't want to discourage debate, I just wanted to illustrate how vehemently Crowley disliked having the term applied to him.  Although I doubt he would fare any better raising the objection in a courtroom today.

All best,


"Why don't those stupid idiots let me in their crappy club for jerks?"--Homer the Great