

On 10/13/06, MJ Walker <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> biloxi andersen wrote:
> Now, this is a sad truth. Most people are artistically illiterate and
> don't care to be. Most peoplel fail to recognise good art. They follow
> their taste, and their taste is artistically illitearte. You don't
> need such people telling you what they think; their advice is bad.
> Apart from all the talk, this passage caught my attention. It comes on a
> bit like Papa Hem, though the syntactic ambiguity (don't care to be
> what?) suggests he's had far too many, then flashes briefly into
> quasi-Joycean wordplay (probably a typo), with "illitearte". I like
> that: ill-lit-lite-(t)ear-t(e)art-art-arte (=arty). Says it all. The
> saddest story.
> mj


Nice post. I'm not sure I get it 100% though or if I need to even reply.

Just for the sake of clarity; most people don't care to become/be
artistically literate. And yet, yes, to me, art is somewhat of a
monastic pursuit, so it's a way to "be" of sorts, so the other meaning
of "don't care to be" is valid too. If I didn't care for "being" I
wouldn't care for art. It replaces religion for me, and I see mass
religion as art that got misunderstood by the "artistically

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "he's had far too many". Drinks?
"crap" from artistically illiterates? If it's drinks then it was sheer
tiredness. Not too well these days. If it's "crap" from "artistically
illiterates", then, I assert that I hadn't shared my stuff before,
yet, you don't need to do that to get "crap"; an artistic monasticism
in a lonesome affair and if you care for "being" then you feel lone an
alienated in that aspect that others don't, especially so when you're
often expected or obliged to conform to nonsensical norms that are
anti-thetical to it. It doesn't mean that you feel likewise in other
or all aspects of life, but, in that aspect, it is a lonesome, and
without a doubt, sad too, often sad beyond words, and sometimes words
(art) soothe.

Her Lust is Wiser is a book of verse by Biloxi Andersen and Ziad
Noureddine. It is part of ongoing diaries.