

State University

The Department of Geology at Kansas State 
University invites applicants for two tenure track 
Assistant Professor positions to start fall 2007. 
Hydrogeology: Teaching expectations include 
courses in hydrogeology, related upper-level 
undergraduate and graduate courses, and 
introductory-level geology courses.Research 
expectations include the development of an 
externally funded, field-based research/graduate 
program in hydrogeology, including campus-
wide multidisciplinary collaborations with 
colleagues interested in water from many 
perspectives (see for example:, www.k-,, www.oznet.k-,,,
Mineralogy/Petrology: Teaching expectations 
include the development of comprehensive 
undergraduate courses in both mineralogy and 
petrology, as well as teaching a share of our 
high-enrollment service courses. We also 
encourage courses offered in the candidate's 
areas of expertise at the upper undergraduate and 
graduate levels. We would expect the rapid 
development of an innovative, externally-funded 
research program.
For both positions we are particularly interested 
in research specialties that would fit one or more 
of the department's current growth areas: energy 
resources, tectonics/geophysics, environmental 
geology, and earth science education. The 
successful candidate should demonstrate a strong 
commitment to excellence in research, teaching, 
mentoring of students and to serving a diverse 
population. A PhD in geosciences is required. 
The Department of Geology at KSU currently 
has eight faculty members (with two vacant 
positions), and offers B.S and M.S. degrees in 
Geology ( is 
located in the tallgrass prairie of the Flint Hills in 
eastern Kansas ( K-State is 
designated a Carnegie Doctoral/Research-
Extensive Institution and has been ranked among 
the top state and private institutions of higher 
education in Rhodes, Marshall, Truman, 
Goldwater, and Udall scholars since 1986.
Review of applications will begin November 6th, 
2006 for mineralogy/petrology and November 
13, 2006 for hydrogeology and we plan to 
interview in the late fall and early spring 
semesters, respectively. Applications should 
include a letter of application stating the position 
to which you are applying, a complete vita, and a 
statement of ways in which your approach to 
teaching and research are likely to expand, 
enrich, and complement geology and related 
programs at KSU. Three letters of 
recommendation should be arranged to be sent to 
the department at the time of application.All 
materials should be sent to: Search Committee 
Chair, Department of Geology, Kansas State 
University, Manhattan, KS 66506 
([log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]). Kansas 
State University is an equal 
opportunity/affirmative action employer and 
actively seeks diversity among its employees.

Mary Hubbard, PhD
Department Head and Professor
Department of Geology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

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John Whalley 
Geoscience Pathways Programme Manager
List owner - geo-tectonics 
Tel +44 23 9284 2247                                Fax +44 23 9284 2244
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences                              
University of Portsmouth
Portsmouth, PO1 3QL, UK                Email- [log in to unmask] 