

dear alan, karl and all, 


alan, your exchange with karl seems to me to be an embodiment of the general
problem in share-based communication of 'inclusionality'.   that is,
'inclusionality' cannot be 'communicated' in the standard manner of an
explicit transmission, since it deals with the basic incompleteness of
assertive dynamics.


karl, your persistent insistence in reducing alan's remarks to their
'assertive component' is akin to reducing the complex signal in holographic
communications, as developed by dennis gabor, to the 'real component'.
using gabor's own analogy for 'complex communications', this is like
explaining the movement of the rotor in a dynamic in the purely assertive
terms of 'what the rotor is doing' without mentioning the reciprocal
complementarity of the invaginating (self-enfolding) E/M field-flow in which
the rotor and its dynamic is included.


in the hologram, the 'invaginating' of space and the 'asserting' of a form
are one and the same dynamic.  that's the way it has to be in 'fluid
dynamics' (energy-field-flow dynamics).  


dynamics do not start from 'independent objects' and some central
behavioural governing authority that resides within them.  that is an
absolute (abstract) notion foreign to our experience, that has been 'aided
and abetted' by western religious myth which a growing minority of religious
scholars maintain results from misinterpretation of what was intended by
prophets such as jesus.


if one reads the opinion of the re-translators of jesus words from the
original aramaic spoken by jesus, one can find this same reductive
association as between alan's words and karl's interpretation;


 'And when you make the inner as the outer, and the outer as the inner, and
the upper as the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one
so that the male shall not be male and the female (shall not) be female,
then shall you enter (the Kingdom)."  --- Jesus (per the Gospel of Thomas)


as the re-translators point out, 'the Kingdom' would have been conceived of
as something which is, at the same time, inside and outside the individual,
in the manner that the evolutionary dynamic relates to the ghostly world of
'objects' and 'what they do'.   that is, our lives are shaped by the
spatial-relational flow we are included in, and the forms that persist
within the flow continue to inductively shape our life behaviours generation
after generation, ... this 'shape' being inherently beyond the descriptive
capability of mental models founded on 'independent objects/organisms' with
central governing agencies and endowed with 'internal first cause'.  for
example, 'the university';


 * * * * 'the university' * * * *


imagine a dynamical living space, ... the UK for example, ... where seasons
come and go and where generations of people emerge, live their lives and
rejoin the flow of nature, ... a dynamical continuum..


imagine any particular 'organization' within this continuing
spatial-relational flow, ... for example, 'oxford university', ... 


as characteristc #8 in alan's 'ten characteristics of wisdom enquiry' says,
... "[wise enquiry] recognises that all form is a dynamic inclusion of space
- not an occupier of space - and so is not definable in absolute terms."


if we use this way of understanding 'oxford university', ... we will
observe, within the dynamical living space of britain, the emergence of
'learning spot' in about 1096, ... a dynamical form of organization not
unlike the Great Red Spot' on Jupiter, ... and if we listen in to what
people were saying about it, we would find that 'by 1201, the University was
headed by a magister scolarum Oxonie, on whom the title of Chancellor was
conferred in 1214, and in 1231 the masters were recognized as a universitas
or corporation'.


without taking our eyes off of the unbroken continuum of the relational
dynamics of the british living space, ... we see 'learning spot' becoming
more intense in its activities and signs of material structures being
precipitated - In the 13th century, rioting between townspeople and students
hastened the establishment of primitive halls of residence. These were
succeeded by the first of Oxford's colleges, which began as medieval 'halls
of residence' or endowed houses under the supervision of a Master.
University, Balliol and Merton Colleges, established between 1249 and 1264,
are the oldest. 

within the following century, 'oxford university' became a 'known entity' -
'Less than a century later, Oxford had achieved eminence above every other
seat of learning, and won the praises of popes, kings and sages by virtue of
its antiquity, curriculum, doctrine and privileges.'

using language as the basis for 'mimesis', for imitating reality, we began
to understand 'oxford university' less as a 'learning spot' or dynamical
inclusion of the continuing british living space dynamic, and more in the
sense of a self-standing assertive agency, with internal structure and
components that was performing a service to the community.


what happened to oxford as a 'learning spot', ... 'a dynamical inclusion of


it is still there, but dynamic forms of organization that are included
within a dynamical hostspace cannot be isolated from the dynamics of the
hostspace they are included in (since their motion is relative).


it is 'easier' to describe the 'learning spot' as if it were an entity
endowed with self-standing 'existence'; i.e. 'the university of oxford', and
as if it had a behaviour whose authorship source was internal to its
'existential self' and which drove and directed its assertive actions. 


this alternative way of describing 'dynamical forms of organizations' or
'dynamical inclusions of nature-space', ... and self-standing entities whose
behaviours are driven and directed from their interiors is entirely general
and is enabled by our 'implicit' imposing of Euclidian space to allow the
entity's motion to be seen as 'absolute' (it's own motion), rather than as
relative to the continuum of the hostspace dynamic it is included in.


 * * * * end of 'the university' * * * *


my point is this, that karl's reduction of alan's commentary parallels the
claimed reduction, by too-literal translations, of jesus' commentary (i.e.
of those who were citing what jesus said, such as thomas).  i am not
speaking here of 'beliefs' but of attempts to resolve different interpreted
understandings of the same commentary.


as ian reminded me, in an offline thread, ... robert pirsig in Zen and the
Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, makes this same point, also using the example
of the university (perhaps this was the seed for my using it, although my
memory of russell ackoff using it to expose the manner of incompleteness of
analytical inquiry sticks most in my mind), ... in ZAMM, pirsig refers to
the 'ghostly' physical aspect of the university as 'the Church of Reason',
... because by stripping the physical aspect out of the evolutionary
(continuous learning) flow, it becomes rigid and ghostly, like hexagonal
honeycomb cells in an abandoned bee hive, the flow of activity having
precipitated something explicit, in the case of the university, 'explicit
reason' (rationality).   'rationality' and 'the university', looking like
eggs laid by a chicken that is no longer visible, are now elevated by
'rationalists' to a status whereby we can regard them to 'speak for
themselves'.  that is we regard them as having the wherewithal within them
to give up their value in a purely assertive manner, ... so that we no
longer have any need to hold in our minds the understanding that these
things, rather than being stand-alone and internally driven, are the
precipitates of a common spatial-relational flow, called it the
'evolutionary dynamic' or call it 'the Kingdom' or whatever.


rationality comes into being together with the abandonment of an
understanding wherein the spatial-relational flow is the generative source
and the tangible-assertive is purely (ghostly) inference, as in gabor's
holodynamical imaging, ... yet it is the invaginating (self-enfolding) of
the field-flow that gives rise to the spinning rotor, not some internal
sensing equipment within the rotor that, it is purported, responds to the
forces of 'attraction' and 'repulsion' that the rotor 'feels' coming from
the outside world.


pirsig's dual understanding of 'university' is described as follows;


"The real University, he said, has no specific location. It owns no
property, pays no salaries and receives no material dues. The real
University is a state of mind. It is that great heritage of rational thought
that has been brought down to us through the centuries and which does not
exist at any specific location. It's a state of mind which is regenerated
throughout the centuries by a body of people who traditionally carry the
title of professor, but even that title is not part of the real University.
The real University is nothing less than the continuing body of reason

In addition to this state of mind, "reason," there's a legal entity which is
unfortunately called by the same name but which is quite another thing. This
is a nonprofit corporation, a branch of the state with a specific address.
It owns property, is capable of paying salaries, of receiving money and of
responding to legislative pressures in the process. 

But this second university, the legal corporation, cannot teach, does not
generate new knowledge or evaluate ideas. It is not the real University at
all. It is just a church building, the setting, the location at which
conditions have been made favorable for the real church to exist. 

Confusion continually occurs in people who fail to see this difference, he
said, and think that control of the church buildings implies control of the
church. They see professors as employees of the second university who should
abandon reason when told to and take orders with no backtalk, the same way
employees do in other corporations. 

They see the second university, but fail to see the first. "

the true university professor, then, cannot speak squarely and solidly from
his explicit knowledge or from 'what he knows' but must convey that
knowledge is the ghost-child of the learning flow and in the manner of
Heraclitus', who, in giving counsel, puts it in the terms of ; 'listening
not to me but to the Logos', ... 


otherwise, we revert to the 'ghost-precipitate' version of the university as
described by pirsig;

"The school was what could euphemistically be called a "teaching college."
At a teaching college you teach and you teach and you teach with no time for
research, no time for contemplation, no time for participation in outside
affairs. Just teach and teach and teach until your mind grows dull and your
creativity vanishes and you become an automaton saying the same dull things
over and over to endless waves of innocent students who cannot understand
why you are so dull, lose respect and fan this disrespect out into the
community. The reason you teach and you teach and you teach is that this is
a very clever way of running a college on the cheap while giving a false
appearance of genuine education." 

all of the above examples etc. point to our cultural tendency to rebuild our
understanding of the world dynamic, starting from reduced 'ghostly'
precipitates, ... re-animating these precipitates, such as 'explicit
knowledge', physical structures such as 'the human organism', and 'the
nation-state' (the ghostly precipitate of the ongoing flow of community) by
attributing to them their own internally centered source of assertive
expression and assertive behaviour.   

for example, we attribute a 'central governing authority' to the individual
human organism and point to a part of the physical structure, 'the brain' as
being where this central drive and direction is located.  some kind of
internal activity within the 'brain' is thus credited with this absolute
capability of 'internal first cause', and by these assumptions we make the
behaviour of an organism into 'its own behaviour' (absolute behaviour) and
no longer have to concern ourselves with the evolutionary flow that the
organism is included in.  instead, we shall proceed on to re-invent
evolution in terms of the behaviours of its own precipitate organisms and
their internal 'genetics' to which we also impute 'internal first cause'.

we do the same in reducing the evolutionary flow of community down to the
'nation-state' as we did in reducing the university to the 'teaching
college'; i.e. a 'nation' is precipitated from the evolving flow of
community and we proceed to 'absolutize' it by endowing it with existence as
a self-standing object (bounded by imaginary lines imposed by us) and
imputing to it, its own internally sourced behaviour that is driven and
directed from a notional 'central governing authority' gifted with 'internal
first cause'.  this allows us to 'declare' the 'nation-state' to be
'independent' and to be fully responsible for its own behaviour, ... when we
are all aware, from our natural experience, that the natural dynamical
hostspace we all share inclusion in, takes precedence over the synthetic
'independent' behaviours we impute to these 'nation-states', ...
'nation-states' that exist only in our minds and certainly not in nature
(just watch the fish, animals, insects, bacteria ignore those imaginary line
political boundaries).  as the natives say, 'canada' and 'the united states'
are no more than artefacts of how europeans fought over how to divide up
what they stole.

but these synthetic notions of 'the existence of the nation-state' and 'the
independent, fully-responsible, self-center-driven behaviour of the
nation-state', ... however artificial they are, take on a physical reality
when many people start believing in them.  we may believe in them because
they were offered to a co-ownership interest in them provided they swore an
oath to bear arms and give their lives, if necessary, in defending their
synthetic existence', ... or we may feign belief in them because we are
beaten about the head every time we refuse to obey their laws, ... but in
all of these cases, the existence of the political nation-state can only be
assured by the force of violence, since they are entirely unnatural

it runs counter to our acculturated 'intuition' that the tangible, physical
and explicit are the GHOST reality, and this is the problem that pirsig runs
into in trying to share his essentially 'inclusional' ideas, and it is the
same problem that alan runs into in his trying to share 'inclusionality';
i.e. the reader has difficulty in suspending his belief in the foundational
role of the explicit as is necessary to come to an understanding that
natural dynamics are 'implicit' and that there are no 'explicit' objects in
the dynamical hostspace of nature (there is only an evolving

in conclusion, where karl says;

"Hence my reservation with a theory [note:. 'inclusionality' is not a
'theory' but a 'condition of awareness'] that as a matter of principle
suppresses all discussion of ends and goals and how to develop society

karl's use of 'suppression' is misplaced since alan, like robert pirsig, is
'opening up the discussion' to included what is being left out and forgotten
(that which gives the most fundamental meaning to our understanding of the
world dynamic). 

where alan is trying to go, is to 'transcendently inflate' our 'society as
teaching college' over top of itself, so that we recognize our 'teaching
college society' as the ghostly precipitate of the real university; 

"The real University, he said, has no specific location. It owns no
property, pays no salaries and receives no material dues. The real
University is a state of mind.

that is, 'the universe is a state of mind' and the specific locations, and
objects within it are ghostly precipitates that back-speak (through our
intuition) of a greater reality that is continually on-the-move and purely
relational as in the energy-field-flow of the natural hostspace we all share
inclusion in.

no-one is forcing anyone to believe this, unlike the politics of our current
culture which forces us to believe in the existence of fixed location
nation-states and their central governing authorities, ... the 'argument' at
hand is simply in terms of; 'do you not believe that the social and natural
dynamics we are included in might not enjoy more sustained coherency and
harmony if we take the stuff about behaviours being absolute and driven from
the centers of independent object-organisms, ... with a grain of salt?'.
that is, we don't need to 'suppress' such mental models, all that is being
suggested is that it may be better for us all to acknowledge that they are
synthetic and over-simplified, otherwise we shall become the 'absolutists'
as in pirsig's 'teaching college' who simply regurgitate old 'knowledge' and
simple-mindedly apply it to the escalating problems that are arising from
its simple-minded application.



p.s. to close the loop on my comments on the different interpreted
understandings of jesus' comments, jesus could be seeing himself as a
professor in God's university (divine state of mind) rather than (as in the
most common western interpretation) as a teacher in God's teaching college.




From: A.D.M.Rayner [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 12:16 AM
To: Ted Lumley
Cc: Jack Whitehead
Subject: Fw: Ten Characteristics of Wisdom Enquiry



----- Original Message ----- 

From: A.D.M.Rayner <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  

To: [log in to unmask] 

Sent: 29 September 2006 07:36

Subject: Re: Ten Characteristics of Wisdom Enquiry


Dear Karl,


"Hence my reservation with a theory that as a matter of principle suppresses
all discussion of ends and goals and how to develop society rationally."



As I hope may be transparent to others if not you, this is a
misrepresentation of what I have said, removing all context and
qualification. It is one of many examples of the way you have seemingly paid
very selective attention, perhaps to suit your own definitive goals, to what
I have tried to communicate, not to mention the accusations about putting
theory before people. 


Damn! I've broken my silence. 






----- Original Message ----- 

From: Karl <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  Rogers 

To: [log in to unmask] 

Sent: 28 September 2006 19:38

Subject: Re: Ten Characteristics of Wisdom Enquiry




If you find that Alan's ideas or your interpretation of them is of any help
to you then that is great. Really, man, try whatever works for you.


For my purposes, it is because of the catch-22, as you put it, that we
simply cannot know whether Alan's ideas are wise or not. It is an


Hence my reservation with a theory that as a matter of principle suppresses
all discussion of ends and goals and how to develop society rationally.
Especially if that theory does not permit one to define things, such as
poverty, and the minimum conditions for alleviating it. And, it may well be
the case that its proponents would also prevent people from stopping others
abuse children. 

It does seem very wise to me.


By, hey, what do I know?





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