


it's pretty easy to set up.

I use 'conversation' as my viewer has enough help files to keep you busy.

It's also easy enough to open a new channel, though it's best to  
register with a password.
I created #accessibility, which could be busier, but has some  
excellent archives.

so then one wants a logger to create the archive, and if possible a  
chump, and a few bots.

but dont get the idea I'm obsessed, I spend no time creating or  
maintaining IRC, and most days don't login.

once your set up, you can either start clicking a link, or opening  
the application.

best wishes

Jonathan Chetwynd

On 6 Oct 2006, at 19:57, Andy Heath wrote:

Hi Jonathon,

I was going to try to make it also, but didn't manage.

Can I ask you, for quite a different purpose, how does the
logging of the IRC work ?  My cycle campaigning group
does meeting attendance by IRC sometimes, using freenode,
and I'd like to set this up.

> IRC at DC2006
> Liddy,
> Would someone like to make notes at irc:// 
> accessibility ?
> it's all logged here:
> wasn't sure whether I could make it today... it's getting late,  
> early start etc.
> cheers
> Jonathan Chetwynd

Andy Heath