

For list members catching up on Snaps, there's a potted history at the
archives (the ones which I have so shamefully neglected for the past
year) at

 As you will see, the archives go up to October 26, 2005, and after
that I think I went to LA for a month (I think Randolph has those
ones). And since then I just haven't been able to catch up.

Sharon, the situation is that I have about six months' worth in the
files, but that went to pieces when things began to overwhelm me, so
recent Snaps remain unfiled.  I am so busy at present, for reasons I
explained earlier, and have to be sane about my work, because I got
sick, and I haven't a hope of finding the necessary hours to archive
them all.

Thanks so much for your suggestions, Knut and Sharon. It's good to
have some feedback and offers.

All the best


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