From: SCRSS [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 12 September 2006 15:58
Subject: SCRSS lecture 22 September


Dear Members,

This is a reminder that Christine Lindey, art lecturer at Birkbeck College, University of London, the Morning Star art correspondent and author of Art in the Cold War will give a talk on the Art of Kandinsky at the SCRSS on Friday, 22 September at 7.0pm. Admission is £5/£3 SCRSS members.

Yours sincerely,

Jean Turner

Hon. Secretary


Christine Lindey is also commencing a course on her book at Birkbeck College on Monday 25 September (see below) and hopes for your support.

Course Information:

Course Title:              Art in the Cold War

Start Date:                 Monday 25 September, 6pm-8pm (12 meetings)

Course Fee:              £120.00 (£60.00 concessions)

Venue:                        Birkbeck College



Society for Co-operation in Russian & Soviet Studies
320 Brixton Road  London  SW9 6AB
Tel: 020 7274 2282
Fax: 020 7274 3230

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