

Peter when you're back, or anybody else who knows,

I've got a funny with GAIA.  There is an image file and a catalogue file

These are basically full-sky data sets.  If I load the FITS file and
then the catalogue (Data-Servers|Local Catalogs|Load from file...),
not all the points from the catalogue show up, only those within
a certain RA range (e.g. M1 and M2 are missing, the first one visible
is M3).  If I subsequently Select Area... over a missing part of the
data (e.g. top left) followed by Search, the missing objects in 
the selected region show up.

I suspect this could be a bug related to the fact that the field of
view is very large (whole sky).  However it may be some kind of a 
feature that I don't understand.


Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
[log in to unmask] +44-117-928-8776