


Rhys Morris is having trouble with some FITS-WCS headers.
The file is at

Attempting, e.g. to draw a grid over it in GAIA doesn't work, and
if you look at the reported RA values when moving the cursor over
different parts of the image you can see that it gets pretty 
confused.  DS9 coordinate readout appears to be sensible, though
again trying to plot a grid gives an AST error.

If I remove (well, rename) the card

   PV2_3   =                 220. /

then the WCS looks fine, though I don't know whether it's correct or not.

I don't know what the PVi_j cards are supposed to do.  Can you comment
on whether this is broken FITS-WCS (which I expect is the case), or
a problem in AST, or something else, and/or speculate about what
the file's author meant to say?



Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
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