

"insect-rich; gymnasium for squirrel / acrobatics"

that's the best part; I found the rest rather flat. the ending would
be better (because it would be less obvious) without "and one day".
I can sympathise though. I've witnessed the felling of about six trees
from our garden, each time it left me slightly miserable (I wrote a
quite decent poem about the last time, a number of months ago). we've
sold off about half of our considerable-looking territory in the past
year, & only today I saw that many of the trees on the 'old [i.e.
sold] side' had light red ribbons tied around them, scheduling them
for felling. it reminded -- still reminds -- me very strongly of the
way criminals were blindfolded before being executed. I'm going to use
that in a poem soon, I'm sure. :)
I share your love for trees, for natural surroundings in general (not
only organic; city paraphernalia can be very natural; even Natural).
I'm reminded of a WCW poem:


I must tell you
this young tree
whose round and firm trunk
between the wet

pavement and the gutter
(where water
is trickling) rises

into the air with
one undulant
thrust half its height-
and then

dividing and waning
sending out
young branches on
all sides-

hung with cocoons
it thins
till nothing is left of it
but two

eccentric knotted
bending forward
hornlike at the top

K         S

On 23/08/06, sharon brogan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>  You Say You Want to Know Me
> Look at the dead spruce, towering
> above all its leafed-out neighbors,
> a favorite perch for crows and ravens.
> Gray, naked, limbs all bent toward
> ground that no longer feeds it; branches
> drilled by flickers and woodpeckers;
> insect-rich; gymnasium for squirrel
> acrobatics; choir loft of sparrows;
> history written, hidden in its tall trunk;
> rough bark peeling away in chunks.
> It will stand another year or two, then
> fall to the arborist's saw to make way
> for a new house, a tamer habitat
> for humans, masonry and planned
> plantings. Soon it will be remembered
> by no one at all; not the crows or ravens;
> not the woodpeckers or flickers; not
> the sparrows or squirrels, and one day
> not even by me.
> --
> ~ SB   =^..^=