

Hi Sarah,

I've currently got 11 on my desk for the September deadline.

I've had 36 in total (not including above) since the scheme began, but 
have noticed a huge increase in the numbers for the last deadline (June) 
when I had 19 for that quarter, 11 of which arrived in June. All to do 
on-top-of usual planning, advice & moving office before going on holiday. 

Happy, happy, joy, joy :)



**NB** The Archaeology Team will be moving office w/c 14/08/06. Telephone 
numbers will be changing as well as address/location. Please bear with us 
in  the lead-up and immediately after as we pack-up and settle in!  Also, 
please note that I shall be on annual leave from 18/08 & back in on 5/09.
Assistant Archaeology Officer
Culture & Leisure
Durham County Council
Durham  DH1 5TY
0191-383-4212 (T)   0191-384-1336 (F)
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1st edition of annual magazine "Archaeology in County Durham" now 
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