

Submissions are being accepted for the forthcoming Annual Awards and 
Medals Competition, which carries prizes in cash and travel of over US 
$200,000!  Submissions can be for a new research proposal or for a 
completed research paper. The last day for submissions is September 17, 
Under each category, GDN welcomes submissions from all branches of the 
social sciences (Economics, Political Science, Sociology etc). 
Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary submissions are particularly 
encouraged. The finalists will present their papers and proposals at GDN’s 
Annual Global Development Conference in Beijing, China in January 2007.
Category 1: 	Global Health Concerns, Domestic Responses and Reforms 
Category 2:  	Reforms, Public Services and Poverty
Category 3: 	Resource Flows in an Interdependent World: Implications of 
Changes in Demand and Supply
Category 4:  	Changes in Global Trade: Causes and Consequences
Category 5:  	Industrial Development and Long -Term Growth
Please disseminate this information amongst your colleagues. For more 
information on the competition, including full descriptions of the 
categories, visit our website at