

Forwarded message from Carol McDavid <[log in to unmask]>:

'Archaeology for the public' is now live at

A useful resource for your next outreach activity, public session, 
archaeology month event, and college course! To learn more...

- read about these web pages -

- read the SAA press release -

- read the "For Archaeologists" information flier [*LARGE FILE: 4.83 MB 
pdf] -

Spread the word...
.... through your professional and personal email networks
.... in local, regional, and avocational newsletters
.... to your students, clients, family, and colleagues
(** Please blind-Cc (Bcc) us at [log in to unmask] so that we can 
track the announcement's progress to limit cross postings.)

Web Pages designed for members of the public who want to know more about 
archaeology, as well as for archaeologists, educators, and interpreters 
who share archaeology with the public.

Archaeology for the public is a project of the Public Education Committee 
of the Society for American Archaeology.