

Dear Developers

  I am using the latest version of analysis (patches upgraded earlier today)
to assign a LARGE protein and have already set up all the spin systems
across all my spectra. I have been attempting to use the format converter to
create sparky peak list tables so that I can try out the MARS automatic
assignment programme. But what ever I select in the "additional options" in
the "peak export menu" i cannot get a peak list which actually lists the
peak number. I can get a table of shifts in the correct order but with
either ??? or the  assignment in the peak identifier column. unfortunateley
I have a large number of gaps in my peak lists and it would be rather
tedious to annotate these lists by hand. If I go on and run MARS on these
lists I don't see how I will be able to link the output back to my old peak
lists. Does anyone know what i am doing wrong or have any suggestions? 
  Also there is a small bug in the format converter wheby when you click
"export peaks file" it looks as if nothing happens because it brings up a
far smaller window (data dimref selection), in which you have to click "OK"
before anything will happen, directly underneath the main export window. I
seem to remember something similar occurring when importing peak lists into
analysis in the first place as well. Not a problem when you know what is
happening but could lead new users to think the programme doesn't work properly.

Cheers Stephen