

Hi all,

The list of FormatConverter changes/additions in the recent 1.0.14 

- Can now write peak lists without assignments
- Fixed problems with handling of HGa/HGb/CGa/CGb-type export

*** Format specific changes ***

- CNS:

   - Added chemical shift reading/writing


   - New format
   - Chemical shift reading/writing and sequence reading

- NmrDraw:

   - Added support for 'TROUBLE' column in peak reading/writing (for

*** Minor changes/fixes ***

- Fixed problems in DataShifter to do with ResonanceGroup handling
- Minor improvements in linkResonances handling of resonance groups.
- Better handling of chain mapping (included formatLastSeqCode)
- ChemComp reading now automatically creates chemAtomSets
- Fixed some problems with URL/Storage handling for saving new chemComps
- Improved PDB file sequence handling (especially for HET groups)
- Fixed various NMR-STAR problems
- Fixed problems with DYANA/CYANA RDC constraint file writing
- Fixed problem with setting fwhm in NmrDraw peak lists (thanks Brian)

Have fun,


   Wim Vranken                                     [log in to unmask]

   Macromolecular Structure Database (MSD) group
   European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL outstation)
   Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
   Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK

   Tel: +44-1223-494682                        Fax: +44-1223-494487