

Oh dear oh dear oh dear... and there's me thinking that I  was offering a
more concillatory tone but it does appear to have wound you up again doesn't
it Adrian? If the cap fits and all that...

BTW the 'academic nurse does have a name which the more polite members of
the list do actually use

Adieu Adrian for now and thanks for being such a sweetie...

-----Original Message-----
From: Accident and Emergency Academic List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Adrian Fogarty
Sent: 18 August 2006 02:29
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: I think we have this all wrong - far from final thoughts

> as I said to Simon I wanted
> to draw attention to some of the dinosaur-like opinions being voiced on
> the list and the potential consequences of ill-considered comments on
> the recipients

Dinosaur-like? I prefer to call it "traditional". But you seem to be 
comfortable throwing insults around rather than actually debating the 

Ill considered? Again, your opinion perhaps. Personally I think my views are

well-considered over many years. But since you think they're ill-considered,

I suppose you expect everyone to agree that they must be so. Easy to throw 
insults around, and avoid the substantive debate.

> All I wanted was objective considered debate and I am pleased to see
> that there is now at least some considered discussion now taking place

So, it wasn't "objective" or "considered" before you arrived?

> I certainly do not wish to stifle debate on this subject

You could have fooled me...sounds to me like you're very uncomfortable with 
debate on this subject.

> As far as the 'politically correct' agenda is concerned again I have no
> problems with people disagreeing with it (I do so myself regularly) but if
> you are to take an un PC standpoint then you need to do so with 
> intelligence
> and a certain amount of humour and insight (being politically aware if you
> like). Anyone can be crass and boorish in the way that they express their
> opinions but I would expect more from this discussion group.

So, according to the above, I'm unintelligent, lacking in humour and 
insight, crass, boorish etc...(more insults...)

> I have listened
> and learned from the discussion from this list for several years now and 
> it
> has helped me as an academic to stay in touch with what is actually
> happening in the real world however I was saddened and rather depressed at
> how quickly this thread descended into farce the first time a dissenting
> voice was heard.

If you're having trouble staying in touch with the real world then I suggest

you move out of academic nursing - and back into the real world. Sorry, but 
I do have an "issue" with academic nursing, but that's another debate for 
another time.

Let me remind you Robin that the it was you who first threw a "hissy fit" 
with postings such as: "I'm sorry but I have seldom heard such patronising 
and supercilious rubbish" and "What exactly do you think that this sort of 
irresponsible comment does for morale and for the teamwork you purport to 
espouse? Grow up!!" and "You appear to be displaying the sort of ill-judged 
and short-sighted attitudes...".

It strikes me that it was the academic nurse who started throwing around 
insults in this debate a few days ago. All I said was that I didn't think 
nurses should go to university. If you think they should, then argue your 
Godamn point. Stop p**sing around whingeing about it; argue your point. Stop

attacking me and get on with it. We'd like to hear your argument. I'm not 
about stifling debate. If you've got something to say on the matter, then 
get on with it and say it. But don't attack the messenger. Stick to the 