

From :  Craig Ellis <[log in to unmask]>

>I think everyone would accept this is a public list with a public archive.

--> I agree fully. And it is evident how a fresh reminder of this has now 
toned down quite a few of the more bitter expressions. I wonder how many 
have rushed back through their archives to check on how they have expressed 
themselves and to make sure they know what (could be) coming in reply...

>However joke or not, it is very poor form to suggest widespread 
>recirculation and goes against the spirit of discussion groups.

--> Well, I must say that it was VERY obvious to me that it was a joke, 
especially as it clearly then indicated that it was. As such, I took it to 
be intended as a jovial reminder to all that this forum IS open and, as 
stated above, it seems to have worked... Agree that it would not have been 
good form to suggest it or follow-up on the suggestion IF IT WERE NOT a 

>I think you need to get a thicker skin.

--> I don't think we have evidence about skin thickness here. I am 100% sure 
that no-one here knows everyone who's lurking and, if you follow my train of 
thought, lurkers are more likely to be only lurking BECAUSE of skin 

>Some Consultants have issues with ENPs. You dont have to agree (and I dont 
>completely), but these are experienced Emergency Medicine doctors and they 
>have reasons for there views.

--> I hope you mean "some consultants have issues with SOME ENPs" - surely 
it is only the poor medium of e-mail which made it SOUND as if they could be 
generalising to the whole group, the vast majority of whom they have never 
laid eyes on or apprasied... e-mail does this...

>I am appalled you suggest they shouldnt be able to voice them here.

--> Do not be appalled. It is evident that this was not suggested. In 
summary, it seems a reminder that:
1. This is a public forum
2. The fact that so many have rushed to condemn the MERE IDEA of e-mails 
being copied to others suggest that they know how easy and possible that 
would be.
3. If you stop and think you'll realise that the most likely people to 
ACTUALLY forward these inflammatory items are the ones who HAVE NOT 
suggested that they would, be it in jest or not, i.e. a lurker or some such
4. My 6-year old probably knows how to forward the worst bits WITHOUT it 
being evident who it was who forwarded them...
5. The rapid-fire reaction to this has probably made many sit up and take 
notice and will now INCREASE the likelihood of it being forwarded by anyone 
who, until now, was not sure of the potential for mischief this would have - 
they now KNOW we have people here worried about this...

>The reality is that 15+ years of medical and emergency medicine education 
>and subsequent years of consultant experience gives you the right to have 
>opinions on those with considerably less education and experience working 
>in a Specialty and the development of the Specialty in general.

-> ... and the understanding, through experience, of what effect 
politically-incorrect statements will have on the person making them and the 
ones they are made about, REGARDLESS of factuality or truth. I think SpRs 
get taught this rather well at some courses when dealing with media 
relations, including the medium of e-mail.

From: Jel Coward <[log in to unmask]>
>my first wife was a nurse, my current one is a doctor - I like to think it 
>was an upgrade ;-)

--> Sorry. Can't help you on that one. You'll have to decide! However, if it 
were not, then you'd be looking at the next possible "step up" and what 
would that be? Are we to believe that there could be anything above 
"doctor"?... Unthinkable... ;-)
BTW, if either one of your wives is lurking here (or someone they know is) 
then I'd be googling for some flower shops that do deliveries just about 
now... ;-)