

> > A complete rebuild of GAIA is underway... Meanwhile I'll probe
> > further into the non-functioning of KAPPA in my ORAC-DR setup.
> Were you seeing these errors before you rebuilt with the ARY changes I
> committed yesterday?

No, but I've not been running ORAC-DR recently.

Any of these data-system changes such as ARY and HDS seem to require
major rebuilds.  It's far from clear what needs rebuilding from scratch
after various infrastructure changes.  I've been toying with the idea of
running my only nightly build with a fresh checkout, but it would
interfere with code under development.

The GAIA rebuild fixed the previously reported oddity, so ORAC-DR now
displays the data, but STATS still falls over because it can't find a
GLOBAL.sdf in the adam_<pid> directory.  This looks more of an ORAC-DR
issue now.  However, there still may be ARY issues; I can't comment
until the ORAC-DR test suite is working again and has completed a run.

Just thought I'd keep you posted on efforts to test the recent ARY
