

Apologies for cross posting.


Dear Colleagues,


The following book is due to be published by Palgrave in October:


Heterosexism in Health and Social Care

Julie Fish

October 2006 

Hardback £50 1−4039−4123−8


The early twenty-first century has witnessed a transformation in the
political landscape for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
Increasingly liberal attitudes, alongside the repeal of repressive
legislation, have created a climate that has never been so accepting. Yet
despite these signs of progress, there are few enabling social policy
initiatives and LGBT needs for health and social care are poorly understood.


These changes require new understandings of the social conditions of LGBT
people for which the term homophobia is inadequate. The author develops a
theory of heterosexism to conceptualise LGBT oppression and provides
examples from everyday health and social care environments. This timely
study engages with current debates, including intersecting identities, and
presents a coherent analysis of LGBT health and social care needs. The
author argues for mainstreaming sexual identity issues in public policy. 


The book will be useful for practitioners in a range of health and social
care professions including social workers, doctors, and nurses and students
in these professions as well as students and academics in social policy,
social theory, sociology and psychology.



Dr. Julie Fish

Senior Lecturer and Research Fellow

Social Work 

00.20 Hawthorn,

De Montfort University,

The Gateway


LE1 9BH.


+44 (0)116 257 7750