

Sine CILIP has a Royal Charter I suppose the name CILIP has some
standing, if not as a trademark. 
Using the name CILIP on a jiscmail list without CILIP's permission, or
if CILIP withdrew permission ... Gets you into the kind of dispute
ryanair and other companies have with customer-run websites.

Adrian, Headingley

:"-----Original Message-----
:"From: Chartered Library and Information Professionals 
:"[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of John Briggs
:"Sent: 10 July 2006 12:35
:"To: [log in to unmask]
:"Subject: Re: Closure of this list
:"Philip Wark wrote:
:"> I am the councillor representing the Community Services 
:"Group of CILIP 
:"> and was at council when the discussion and vote took place. 
:" I had no 
:"> favoured view on whether the list should be closed or not 
:"prior to the 
:"> discussion.  Having listened to both sides of the argument and been 
:"> given assurances that the communities of practice would provide a 
:"> suitable platform for communication I voted to close the list.
:"Did anyone explain to you that the list does not belong to 
:"CILIP, and that 
:"they have no power to close it?
:"John Briggs 