As a newcomer, I am the last who should respond to Rebekah and David's invitatation to post a member expectations view but will offer the following. I joined in the hope and belief that this list was about developing and applying community psychology, an area of psychology I have come to understand, rightly or wrongly, as revealing and addressing the negative human influences and controls on our communities, including our community a global family. Communties are composed of unique individuals who, I believe, are essentially equal in value. I observe and experience that we, all humans, best progress and solve our problems by care and co-operation rather than by aggression and conflict. I believe these 'survival of the fittest' actions are not the most natural and dominant drive in humans but are promoted and applied by those who most most influence and control us by 'facts of life' ignorance and/or for personal power and profit. It is in these beliefs and this spirit, I hope to find common ground with other list members as a basis to work together in mutual respect, care and co-operation to address the needless ills of this world in a practical and constructive manner. This list is the last place I expect to find selfishness, dis-respect and hostility but I am human in a hostile world so, by response, often guilty of that which I wish to see over-ridden in myself and our relationships as a global family.
Mike S.
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