

Hi all,

For everyone who has ever moaned about the lack of cataloguing rules for 
digital materials, see below for some news re a new cataloguing code for 
the digital world.  I don't have time to look at it just now so I've no 
idea how well it covers learning materials or LOM metadata.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[LIS-CIGS] Announcement of RDA Online prototype
Date: 	Tue, 11 Jul 2006 15:52:01 +0100
From: 	Gordon Dunsire <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: 	[log in to unmask]
To: 	[log in to unmask]

Forwarded to the list by the list owner (Gordon Dunsire), with apologies for

Dear Colleagues:  

RDA: Resource Description and Access is a new cataloguing code for the digital
world.  Built on the foundation established by AACR2, RDA will provide a
comprehensive set of guidelines and instructions on resource description and
access covering all types of content and media.  RDA's first release is
anticipated in mid-2008 in an online format.

While the Joint Steering Committee for AACR and the RDA Editor have been
concentrating on the content of RDA, the Co-Publishers (the American Library
Association, the Canadian Library Association, and the Chartered Institute of
Library and Information Professionals) have been developing the online product.
 To that end, they have created a prototype for RDA Online.
The Co-Publishers have made this prototype available for you to view.  The URL is

This is the same prototype that has been demonstrated to several focus groups
and individual during the last two American Library Association conferences.

Some suggestions for viewing the prototype:

First, the prototype is available for viewing in four versions depending on
resolution with sound and without sound (eye-readable text).  Depending on your
internet connection, the audio in particular may take a few minutes to load.  So
please be patient.

Second, the prototype is a snapshot, created for you to view and assess the
functionality of the software and not the content of the RDA rules.  When
viewing the prototype, please focus on it as an online tool rather than
critiquing the rules that have been included as examples.

Finally, a short questionnaire has been attached to the prototype.  We are very
eager to receive your impressions of the prototype, to know if we're on the
right track in its development.  Please take the opportunity to fill out the
questionnaire.  Let us hear from you while we're in this early stage of development.

Marjorie E. Bloss, RDA Project Manager

Ms. Sarah Currier

Senior Research Fellow, JISC Digital Repositories Programme:

Project Manager, Community Dimensions of LO Repositories (CD-LOR)

Support Officer (CETIS), JISC Digital Repositories Programme

Centre for Academic Practice and Learning Enhancement
University of Strathclyde
Graham Hills Building, 50 George Street
Glasgow G1 1QE, Scotland, United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0)141 548 4573   Fax: +44 (0)141 553 2053
E-mail: [log in to unmask]   Mob.: +44 (0)7980 855 801