

D ear Sharon et al

I know quite a few people who are wiccan and OTO (mainly the caliphate strand) -

i wouldn't know if membership of more than one magical org would be a problem?

Perhaps they tend to keep it quiet?

or it might be that the ruling orthodoxy is so strong that if you do mention it - it tends to get ignored ?

I found the same thing with contacts with some pundits and indeed the media

 - they only seem to allow you to say certain things

Some wiccan thelemites are quite 'senior' members in both traditions - AFAIK - infact i heard it said that the OTO claim to be concentrating many different lineages within their order - which is a bit ikky I know - like collecting initiations - but some people are into that.

not quite sure how it would sit with the Typhonian thing - there used to be a rule that you could not be in any org that didn't accept the 'law of thelema' - but guess affiliation is more likely to be with whats been called sabbatic and traditional witchcraft - eg: Andrew Chumbley/Tubal Cain/Paul Huson type thing - which got very close to some sort of fusion with the Typhonian. There are also links there with some of t he east/west tantrik groups like AMOOKOS and the Uttara Kaulas.

'Sabbatic' means simply a greater emphasis on the sacrament of the sabbat

- which sits well with the whole eucharist type magick of the gnostic mass etc.

Many of these threads seemed to be traceable back to Kenneth Grant - who ultimately drew everyone's attention to that Hidden God that lay behind a great deal of early 20th century occultism - including crowley/austin spare/lovecraft thing. This would include work with Stellar dieties such as Seth, Sirius etc and Northern orientations in magick - something shared by witches and thelemites (and no doubt others).

IMO these trends were always there but perhaps their significance not always recognised by the pundits -

but once people are reminded of these things they maybe feel the pressure to get on board the hermetic rollercoaster -

although some have staked so much on writing footnotes to crowley that its hard to

admit there's something they may have missed - that's human nature afterall.


'Love and do what you will'



ps:  some of these issues are explored in my own books on sethian magick - and indeed although my current interest is in egyptian magick i've been fortunate to interact with several sabbatics and help clarify some of the issues around its archaic roots. See especially The Bull of Ombos. and work in progress.






sabbatic witcha


Things seems to be coming full circle now -
the new meeting ground IMO is the sabbatic craft,
luciferian witchcraft and current new wave of stellar magick.
        Could you describe these? What is stellar magick and is it partly
        influenced by H. P. Lovecraft?
        Also there was mentioned somewhere that some OTO are also
        wiccan and sort of keep quiet about their double membership
        or whateveryou would call it, unless that was on another list.
        Can you go into details about this, what sort of problems they
        encounter from fellow Gardnerians that they feel they need to
        not let many such know they are also Crowleyite?