

Let me introduse my self, my name is mari I`m from Norway. I`m at the time 
in rehabilitation for drug abuse, I have been here for 11 an a half mounth 
now. Anthony slater told me about you and said that you might need some 
encouragement, he told me you yet haven taken a choise to get stright and 
sober, well let me tell you one thing; the choise is hard to take, and 
maybe you never get to the point where you are absolutely sertain that you 
have to Quit, but give life a chanse girl! I have had a tuff yare here a 
phoenix where I stay, but every tear and struggle have been worth it.;) 
I`m 22 yares now and as I understood you are not much older than me, hey 
we have the hole life in front of us, don`t give it up!!
Anyway I hope you take the right choise, If you deside to go in to the 
fight I will be here to support you and help you through the way ( 
well...if you want me to.. ) you wonder why I will..? well I have been 
right were you are now, and the life as a drug addic is not the life to 
live, I if my support can be any help I`ll be there.

all my love 
from Mari!;)