


I am pleased to announce news of a competition intended to encourage
innovation in the display, use, and reuse of data from and about libraries.
The competition is open to all, and includes a first prize of £1,000 for the
best entry.

From Jon Udell's early work with LibraryLookup to the current spate of
Greasemonkey plug-ins and the structured exposure of web services by Talis,
Amazon, Google and others, there are significant advances being made in the
ways in which libraries offer their services to the outside world. At least
as important is the revolution occurring outside the library, as those
beyond the walls take and manipulate library data on their own.

This competition is intended to celebrate and showcase all that is best in
these efforts to push library information out to existing audiences in new
ways, or to reach totally new audiences with compelling and captivating

The competition is open to anyone, anywhere. Entrants do not need to work in
a library, and entries do NOT need to make use any Talis product or service.
Entrants simply need to have an idea for a way to make better use of
existing information from or about libraries, and an ability to turn that
idea into a 'mash up' or other application that shows it off to good effect.

The competition closes on 18 August 2006, and I invite you to visit the web
site at for more details.

If you have any queries or suggestions, please do not hesitate to get in

Dr Paul Miller
Senior Manager & Technology Evangelist, Talis
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Read about library innovation at
Read about the wider Web 2.0 world at
Listen to thought leadership at
Participate in building the community at
Talis announces dates for regional roadshows 
Building on the success of our Talis days in 2005, we are delighted to announce that we will again be hosting a series of regional roadshows, comprising both customer and introductory days.  
Registration is free, book online at:

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