

The Woman Who Thinks like a Cow (Temple Grandin), shown on Horizon on BBC2 
last week:-

Did anyone wtach thisThe Woman Who Thinks like a Cow (Temple Grandin) 

Larry ( or anyone else), What do you think of Temple Grandin's ideas on 
Autism and what was being professed withibn this documentry by the so called 
'medical-experts' who are trying to make clinical judgement that 'we' are 
'brain damaged', not 'neurodiversity'?

I can relate in Temple world when she stated the follwing:-

'Temple believes she experiences life like a prey animal in the wild. Her 
emotions are much simpler than most people's and she feels constantly 
anxious – always alert and looking for danger. It's this struggle with 
overwhelming anxiety that led her to discover just how much she has in 
common with animals and, in particular, cows.

All my life I have felt in continual state of 'high-anxiety' and live in 
'fear' and felt that I live in a continous state of 'flight, or fight', 
which is triggered by the 'environment' and those people around me.

Why do you think that many of us neurodiverse/austistic people then turn to 
alcohol and other substances to enable us to cope within these environments. 
If anyone has a basic understanding of they 'neurobiological' effects of 
alcohol and others 'opiate-substances', even within our foodchain.

I know when I go into public places I feel very anxious and after a few 
beers, then I feel more relaxed and more sociable.

Alcohol is (has) a (been) form of 'self-medication' for me and also I have 
used gambling in the same way too in my life.

For those who know aboutthe effects of alocohol on the brain, then will 
understand that it's obvious that alocohol and other opiate substances will 
have a 'dampening-down' impact for many neurodiverse/autistic people.



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