

Last night, Andrew Burke (headlining), plus PMcP supported by a local
poet Helen Gough, gave readings at CB1 in Cambridge. All the readings
were fabulous (the Vile Boris got name-checked natch), I gave a quick
rendition, Robin Hamilton read a  couple and we had a great time
inspite of an audience who were hard work. Still, I enjoyed and others
said so as well. Plus a lock-in at the pub afterwards, what more could
you ask for?

I will post photographic evidence in due course.

After 4 hours sleep, I saw Andrew Burke off at the bus station this
morning as he's Middlesborough bound. I'm shattered. I can't keep up
with these oldsters!

If anyone else is thinking of wandering by the grassy swards of
Cambridge, let us know and I'll talk to our program director.

"Fishheads, fishheads, rolypoly fishheads
fishheads, fishheads, eat them up yum"