

Jason's Where We Create call roused me from my dogged slumber & I wrote 
this. I suppose the large rectangular image of infra-black after the 
final not will not come through. Out of the pit that covers me...

10.05.06 Lagorce

the unsprung place where i do not can not create is dark

dark noise accumulates over time and does so in a very convenient manner

because there is no light in this location

exposed inside a skull or hull

or a dark looming wood imploded in the vivarais

forest hills past media vita no cammina no words of

worth in nature's black hole where the night's

boars or spores are sombrely snorting infra black &

there are no tides or tuneful shells to roar

in this dark noise nonspectrum of monotony

no visions no revisions no sounds cast coloured or

created in the infinite vacuum of chromatic tonal

absence nothing arises arouses or ring a-roses

it is less than darkling & substygian gloom

uncreating milkless zilch of colour less

a help less exposure wit less time oh twice as long

can be expected humour

less to have roughly gorm less twice

the amount of speech less dark noise

needed for final

sun less subsidence into the feature less loam of

decreated un

less dullness did not

M.J.Walker - no blog - no webpage - no idea

I didn't reach the destination of phoenix by myself
I passed the stage with the guidance of hoopoe