

black strings

his perfect speech
stripped to the waist
his exquisite phrases
jeans tight and damp
his grammar
curls cling to his chest in a lick of new sweat
his diction
hair hangs black strings into his eyes
his pronunciation
steam fizzing off him
resonant vowels, sibilant consonants
touch me, touch me, touch me

a draft by Janet Jackson
Wed May 10 23:53:21 WST 2006

Janet Jackson <[log in to unmask]>
Poems at Proximity:

"When one acts in accord with the time, the yang energy
is expansive, like thunder going out of the earth and
rising forcefully into the sky, startling an area of a
hundred miles with its rumble, so that all demons flee.
The life-giving potential continues increasing, and the
earth is always covered with yellow sprouts, the world
blooms with golden flowers. Wherever one may walk,
everywhere is the Tao. No happiness is more delightful
than this."            Liu I-ming, trans. Thomas Cleary