

Apologies for cross posting

NoWAL (North West Academic Libraries) is planning on holding a Supporting Diversity in the Workplace event at Salford University on the 19th June 2006. This day will consist of a opening event followed by a number of workshops looking at various aspects of supporting diversity within the workplace. 

If you would like to book a place on this event please fill in the booking form at

When you place is confirmed you will be sent a selection form for the workshops.

Last date for bookings is 22 May 2006

Supporting diversity in the workplace - Salford   
09.45 - 16.00   
Conference Room & Meeting Rooms, Clifford Whitworth, University of Salford   

Cost of Course 
£55 NoWAL members 
£100 Non-NoWAL members
Aim: To raise awareness amongst library and information staff of a range of diversity issues and the services which exist to support staff in providing a high quality and inclusive service to all their users.

Coffee and registration

Introduction to the event.
Rachel Beckett

11.15-12.15 - Choose one of the following

Writing for equality		
Lawraine Wood

Cross cultural communication		
Sam Harris

Library services for deaf & hard of hearing people
Sue Davies & Jenny Harkison

13.15-14.15 - Choose one of the following

Supporting library and information users with dyslexia
Ann Barlow & Bob Glass
Electronic access for all 		
Jenny Craven

Supporting users with visual impairments
To be confirmed

Tea. Coffee & Water

14.30-15.30 - Choose one of the following

Current disability legislation
Ann Barlow & Bob Glass
What is diversity really about?		
Nicola Siminson

Revealweb: the database of accessible formats. 
Deborah Ryan  

Comments from previous attendees on "Supporting Diversity in the Workplace"      

"Each of the modules was very informative and gave ideas to use in the workplace."

"Excellent event - good range of workshops."

"It is good to share experiences and build up a support network."

"Very enjoyable and informative."

Book a place on this course 

Place at this event are limited to 42 and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Gil Young
NoWAL Support Officer

NoWAL: Widening access to library resources and improving learning and information support services through innovation, influence and partnership.

Minshull House
47-49 Chorlton Street
M1 3EU

0161 247 6021

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