

Tim Stevens wrote:
> Dear all,
> As some of you might have already noticed, with the latest Analysis
> patches from Friday there's a new option in the right mouse menu
> Peak::Find symmetry related. This willl enable you to find peaks at the
> homonucleus transpose position and put them into a table or directly into
> strips. Excellent for finding your NOE return peaks.
> In the future I will extend this functionality to automatically narrow the
> possibilities down (to one) where I have assignments with 'onebond'

Hi Tim,

nice option, (althought I haven't tried it yet)
I've used a similar option a lot in sparky.

some possibly useless remarks:

* do you mean 'assigned' assignments or possible assignments?
* what if the Cd assignment is not available, but the Hd is?
* I hope symmetry related peaks can be from different spectra

* it might be useful to keep it general for all kind of nuclei
   (not give the protons a special treatment)

   for example if you have a [h]C-NH-noesy (CNH), you'll want to find
   matching peaks in the H[c]-CH-noesy (HCH)

   so if you have in the CNH:      h1-C1-N2-H2 (lowercase=not observed)
   you want to find in the HCH:    H2-n2-C1-H1

   by matching the C1 and H2 frequencies.

   and e.g. a [h]C-CH-noesy (CCH) peak you'd want to match with a
   H[c]-CH-noesy (HCH) one:

   CCH: h1-C1-C2-H2
   HCH: H2-c2-C1-H1
   where you want to find matching H2,C1 couples...

   if these things are possible it might be good to be able to store
   these mappings from one spectrum to the other somewhere, so you
   don't have to redefine them each time you want to match peaks from
   a different pair of spectra.

but probably you thought of all this ;)

goodluck, Eiso

> relationships. So if your query is an NOE  Cg-Hg...Hd it will take
> you to Cd-Hd...Hg
> T.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Dr Tim Stevens			Email: [log in to unmask]
>  Department of Biochemistry            [log in to unmask]
>  University of Cambridge        Phone: +44 1223 766022 (office)
>  80 Tennis Court Road	               +44 7816 338275 (mobile)
>  Old Addenbrooke's Site 	       +44 1223 364613 (home)
>  Cambridge  CB2 1GA	   	WWWeb:
>  United Kingdom
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------ +NH3CH(CH(CH3)OH)C(O)NHCH(CH(CH3)CH2CH3)C(O)NHCH(CH2CH2SCH3)CO2- -------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------