

Another Horizon

In a sequence of sonnets, I become weary of old dreams -
dusty images that film the windows as sunlight webs the walls …
When away from home, I dream of being home - when
home, I dream of being alone on an island scented
like tangerines, grapefruits and poems without vengeance . . .
The difference between now and summer is not you or me,
it isn’t endless poetry. . .this morning it is merely the buds that
unfurl on the apple trees outside my front door
My traveling mind is wandering, wondering how many times
I will notice changes - observe random thoughts with pencil
renegades - no doubt, to live on in complete oblivion
What do apple trees mean to you or anyone really?
I read wavering smoke their meaningless twists
and translate the ribbons as signals in illiterate forms
I watch subtle movements form another and yet another
horizon and remember some details of our
last dinner with an urgency to revise the poem
of a thousand unknown languages - I’m inclined to notice
the warmth of the sun, the white tentacles on tiny leaves
and the scent of the blank page of my notebook
In transformations of light (over white stones
and garden statuary) there is the start;  a poem
of dozing spiders, webbed in the shadow of the terrace
There is no return to Eden, no end to selfish love stories
their stages of death and dying as the sun feeds the night

A bird labors across the sky in the exile of hieroglyphs
and blazing letters

Deborah Russell © 2006

(still not sure if it is what i mean to say...)