

Hi Jill,

> I'm trying to articulate a feeling of locality
> within the  bigger context and
> it's probably sounding wrong, or silly.

no, I thought this was very interesting, the sort of
detail that might seem silly for being  one of those
things taken for granted, but then in your paying
close attention to it, so interesting, and such vivid
details, maybe small ones, I didn't know for instance
that Australia like all Commonwealth countries was
pink in school maps. And it made me think about maps
here, and watching the weather. 

Here, the focus where the map starts is not so much a
local city as area, the Boston area which is rather
huge, so a block of area extending south to Rhode
Island and then north to Maine, and then panning out
to the larger area of the Northeast. Then a sort of
overview of the U.S. with the major cities given the
temperature and weather conditions, but seldom
including Hawaii or Alaska. The view's changed
somewhat in the last few decades, the maps seem to be
mostly oriented to the weather conditions of business
travel, so there's the overview of the U.S. and then
to the UK and Europe. Australasia doesn't show up
much, but then neither does Mexico, except for Mexico
City, now and then, or Canada except as Montreal or
Toronto, which has the weird effect of making them
seem 'almost adjuncts' of the U.S. and South America
doesn't exist very often. I'd guess if you watched a
lot of weather news here, you'd get the impression
that it's the Northeast, the rest of the U.S. has a
huge space with various cities noted, the Atlantic
with Europe and the UK on the other side, and a couple
of Canadian cities to the north, and one big city in
Mexico to the south. 

When I lived in NM, there was a more local center and
then panning out West, toward California and the
Pacific, so the view of the weather seems to move
toward either coast of departure. But it's very
interesting, I think, how this both reflects and
perhaps creates a 'view of the world' in more than
just geographical terms. The sort of insularity of
U.S. citizens which has been often remarked upon, etc.

Oh, and I was most sorry to see that one of the
effects of the Commonwealth games was to get out the
cans of grey paint and obliterate so much stencil art.



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