


At the Truth Study Center Pope mastered
his approach to the demotic subject's
canny ability to strike the right
application of cinematic pose.
More often he had serial images:
readers he takes--even photographers.
Streetcar passengers in Chicago & NYC:
source time of the snapshot aesthetic.

Its appeal to transience--as always,
it's good to see a moment that counts.
How the everyday in crisp detail
had tenure in the way
most famous camera-toting people
matter with both found and personal.

Barry Alpert / Silver Spring, MD US / 4-27-06 (5:03 PM)

My process involved considerable editing and until I shifted one couplet 
today from the end to the middle, there was an elusive quality which kept 
me from posting this text until now.  Also, I made an initial choice not to 
write a sonnet, but when I realized that 14 lines were left standing after 
working over two sources, I decided why not continue my variations within 
that format.