

Many thanks to the six authorities that responded.

In summary: 

Most Fastbacks/Bestseller/Top 10 collections include hardbacks and 
paperbacks, but generally more hardbacks than paperbacks. 

Two authorities include only fiction, the other four include fiction and 
non-ficiton (although a larger percentage of fiction). 

In 5/6 authorites the books can be borrowed for one week and cannot be 
renewed or reserved. The other authority operated the collection in the 
same way as the normal collection (3 week loans, reservations and renewals 

Most libraries have multiple copies of some titles, the maximum being 6 
(although this was where loans were 3 weeks) 

Books from the collection tend to be very popular with most of the 
collection on loan at any one time.

All authorities have noted positives from setting up such a collection 
either through issues, publicity or customer comments 

Madeleine Bentley 
Reading Libraries