

Harnad wrote:
    (3) It is a further fact that there are four institutions and
    one department that not only have OAIRs but that also have an
    institutional mandate to deposit in them: Unlike the rest of the
    world, those OAIRs are growing very robustly.
Well, a mandate is a mandate, so that's hardly surprising

    (4) This outcome confirms resoundingly the finding of two
    international JISC author surveys that found that 95% of authors
    report that if their institution or funder mandated OA self-archiving,
    they would comply.
Well, a mandate is a ...

So I'm not sure what point is being made here. 

Perhaps, one reason for the lack of certainty about OAIRs is the 
(relatively) small number of journal publishers who are green; AND the 
fact that of those that do sanction deposit, many - such as Elsevier - 
apparently only allow it in own-institution archives (or personal 
websites). So all those 'willing' authors in 'unwilling' institutions are 
effectively stymied.

Chris Armstrong
Information Automation Limited
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