

On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 02:56:13PM +0100, Rachel Heery wrote:
> It is also not clear to me from the summary whether the recommended
> change will make DC metadata creation more complex, whether it will
> require the value of all properties that have the class 'agent' to be URIs
> and how that would impact metadata creation and extraction tools.
> There might be a counter-argument that specialist inferencing engine
> would need to make special cases, and non-specialist ones would inevitably
> encounter different practices?? Maybe some allusion to benefits of getting
> it right now would be good, before much more RDF legacy data is created??

Lest there be any doubt about process, I have added the
following text to the top of the document:

    DCMI is currently considering the assignment of domains
    and ranges to DCMI metadata terms.  Such a step would
    have important implications for the interpretation of
    legacy metadata.  This note presents a high-level view
    of the issue and its implications.  No such changes will
    be undertaken by DCMI until their impact has been well
    understood and discussed in a public comment period.
    Implementers with an opinion about the issues presented
    here are invited to participate in discussion on
    the DCMI Architecture Working Group mailing list


Dr. Thomas Baker                                 [log in to unmask]
Director, Specifications and Documentation
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative