

FINAL Call for Papers: Incorporation in Literature
University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Conference

We invite proposals from postgraduate students for a conference on
'Incorporation in Literature' to be held at the University of Edinburgh
on 8 July 2006.  We are very pleased to announce that Professor Graham
Huggan will give the plenary lecture, entitled 'Vampires, again'.  We
hope to publish selected papers.

This conference seeks to address the idea of incorporation from a
variety of different perspectives.  Incorporation is an important theme
in many literary works in which eating, drinking, digesting, or even
cannibalism figure prominently, whether these subjects are treated
literally or metaphorically.  In a more abstract sense, incorporation
could also be understood as the way in which one work can be
incorporated into another as an influence, or as the ways
in which visual images and other graphic details are incorporated into
literary texts.  By inviting papers on specific texts or authors in any
language from any period, this conference seeks to provide a
comparative exploration of the ways in which incorporation has been
used in literature.

Abstracts of no more than 200 words should be sent to both conference
organisers at the addresses below by 31 March.  Papers should be no
more than 20 minutes long and should be in delivered in English.

Topics might include, but are not limited to, the following themes:
- consumerism
- consumption
- food
- eating/drinking/digesting
- cannibalism
- communion
- cultural cannibalism
- translation/transcreation
- influence
- rewriting
- incorporation as form of resistance
- text and image
- dialogue

Conference organisers:
Rachel Douglas    ([log in to unmask])
Antonio Ochoa     ([log in to unmask])
School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, University of Edinburgh

Postal address: Rachel Douglas, French, Division of European Languages
and Cultures, 59-60 George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JU