I agree entirely.
Pain in the ass
The tick-box ones are a little better but even they are time consuming.
This week alone I have had 7 such forms (the longest being 7 pages) for just one SHO !!!
It ends up being the SHO who gets the best reference is the one whos form comes through when I'm relatively less busy
This is not a good system and agree the old system was better and re-producible

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott, Charles [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 20 March 2006 15:57
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: structured reference requests

Can I ask through the list what others attitudes to these requests are.  At this time of year I receive many reference requests like this all with questionnaires to fill out asking for information which is very difficult to asses fairly.  I have 10 juniors changing regularly so to remember details such as this is impossible.,  To be honest I sometimes cannot remember their names after a few months so what hope is there for stuff like this.   I realise that these forms are for scoring but surely the appointing authority should devise its own way of assessing candidates and not rely on very dubious scoring from previous consultants.    The following is the sort of thing I mean.  If I don't fill the damn thing out I'm putting the doctor at a disadvantage but these are multiplying and we should have a united response.   The old system of a genuine written reference was in my opinion far more honest and relevant (and easily reproducible).    Not unnaturally all my F2s/SHO score highly on these forms.

I)      For how long and in what capacity did you know the applicant?

        From.................................... to.....................................

Name of Trust/Organisation ...........................................................................................................

        *       Consultant - immediate supervisor       *
        *       Educational Supervisor          *
        *       Clinical Director                       *
        *       Other (please specify)          * .................................

 ii)    What is / was the title of the post occupied by applicant?     


Please tick (*) one of the following options listed below under each heading which best describes the candidate in relation to his current post from your point of view.  If necessary, please give further information on a separate sheet.

1.      Knowledge/Experience

        a.      Very able, comprehensive knowledge of speciality
        b.      Good all round medical knowledge
        c.      Key areas of medicine well known but no details
        d.      Some gaps in knowledge
        e.      Large areas of ignorance

2.      Technical Skills

        a.      Able and highly skilled with all practical procedures
        b.      Usually capable with most practical procedures
        c.      Very poor practically

3.      Attitude to patients and family
        a.      Always sensitive to physical and psychosocial needs
        b.      Usually very thoughtful and caring
        c.      Occasionally failing to think of their needs
        d.      Not very caring at all

4.      Response to stress
                a.      Manages patients well and calmly seeks advice regarding problems promptly and appropriately having thought them through

        b.      Sometimes uncertain when to discuss potential problems with senior colleagues
        c.      Uncertainties in referral are potentially dangerous
                d.      Panics
5.      Organisational Skills

        a.      Enthusiastic, efficient and innovative
        b.      Effective
        c.      Passive
        d.      Disorganised

6.      Note keeping

        a.      Exemplary. Always keeps clear, concise problem-orientated notes
        b.      Usually keeps well prepared problem-orientated notes
        c.      Inconsistent note keeping
        d.      Poor note keeping

7.      Participates in structured teaching/learning

        a.      Looks for and finds opportunities
        b.      Passive participant
        c.      Will attend if reminded
        d.      Takes little advantage of programmes

8.      Ability to learn

        a.      Learns rapidly from experience and passes on new found knowledge
        b.      Able to learn from experience
        c.      Learns steadily after role familiarisation.
        d.      Unable to think problems through

9.      Commitment

                a.      Punctual and stays to finish relevant tasks
        b.      Punctual
        c.      Usually punctual
        d.      Not punctual

10.     Relationships with other staff.

        a.      Dependable, sensitive and supportive of all colleagues
        b.      Friendly, gets on well with most people
        c.      Only occasionally conflicts with other colleagues
        d.      Frequently upsets others and does not work as one of a team

11.     Teaching Skills

        a.      Excellent communicator, knowledgeable, careful tutor
        b.      Fulfils teaching requirements well
        c.      Adequate but not well motivated
        d.      Poor teacher
        e       Not applicable

12.     Audit

        a.      Initiates and completes well thought out projects
        b.      Participates actively in audit
        c.      Will participate but not well-motivated
                d.      Not interested

13.     Research

        a.      Initiates and completes well thought out projects
        b.      Participates actively in audit
                c.      Will participate but not well-motivated
                d.      Not interested
                e.      Not applicable

14.     Communication Skills

        a.      Excellent written and verbal communication
        b.      Some gaps in understanding
        c.      Difficulties in written and verbal communication

15.     Career prospects

        a.      Likely to succeed in chosen career
        b.      Uncertain as to likelihood of success
        c.      Unlikely to succeed in chosen career

Please specify why you have chosen this particular option



16.     Sickness Absence
        (If you are unable to complete this section, please liaise with your medical staffing department)

(i)     How many days sick leave did the applicant take during their time with you?

(ii)    On how many separate occasions was the applicant off sick?

(iii)   Did you have any cause for concern about the applicant's level of sickness?

17.     Has the applicant been subject to any disciplinary procedure, formal or otherwise 
                during their time with you (including proceedings instigated by the GMC / GDC)?

                                                                Yes   * No  *
        If yes, please describe:



18.     Junior Doctors Hours Monitoring

Junior doctors are now contractually required to comply with Trust requests to monitor their hours of work.  Can you confirm (or otherwise) that the candidate complied fully with requests to monitor hours of work, whilst working with you?

                                        Yes   * No   *
19.     Recommendation

        i)      Strongly recommend without reservation
        ii)     Recommend
                iii)    Recommend with some reservation (please specify below)


Please add any other comments that may assist in the assessment process, for example any involvement in audit, management training, experience etc.

20.     Is this reference based on:    
        i)      General impression
        ii)     Close Observation
        iii)    Collective opinion of consultants

Signed:                                         Printed Name:

Position:                                               Contact number:

Date:                                           Name of Tr

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