

>you should have read that already: I expect such commitment to poetry from
anyone who would talk to me as a practioner.

hi Dave -

i have read it already - but I'd forgotten it - but now i've read it again - 
Parts of it reminded me of Benny Hill (who i like) actually, "you've got the 
hoo-ha's coming to you"



I might, in e-mail land, act
the part of a fool, but that's a defence mechanism, although I am far well
read than many I am always conscious of the tones of social inferiority,
it's a maelstrom of feeling, I always recall that when I first went on
poetry lists I had this naive idea that I was entering open fora about the
art I love, it's not so, as we all really know (that rhymes, note it: I must
be a poet)

At the age of fifty-one I suspect I have just grown up ( a couple of years
ago Ms Croggalogs said something accusatory to me b-c on the lines of when
will you grow up - she was quite right then, fair cop Al)

My friendship with my ultimate human disaster area Victoria has made me
acknowledge my own humanity, Vicky in turn is getting interested in poetry,
it's also reminded me of my roots.

Which is where I belong, always. One of the many little mental tussles is
with my local poet, Mr WS, I'm from Warwickshire too, I love his writing at
its best, I also hate the fucker because he is the type of the West Midlands
businessman who ran our lives in childhood.

Pradoxes, paradoxes.

