

Mark Weiss wrote:

> About 15 years ago I tried to get the rights to the complete works of 
> Percy Dovetonsils. Would have made a nice little book. The Kovacs 
> estate wasn't interested.
> There's an alternate image of the poet as rake, going back at least to 
> the Restoration, and passing down through Byron to Dylan Thomas and 
> beyond.

I'm getting this picture...Dovetonsils and John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of 
Rochester, having a drink or two or three in some upscale London saloon, 
each trying to figure out what the other one is talking about. 

> And of course there's the vatic nonsense that becomes a slow fart with 
> Bly.

Add Bly to that jolly drinking party and what do you have?....

(no, NOT Ken, I was only playing guitar over in the corner)

Kenneth Wolman
"This is the best of all possible worlds only because it is the only
            one that showed up, said father." -- Russell Edson