

Apologies for cross posting – please note low cost of the conference


National Conference





Difficulties and Opportunities


6th April, 2006, The Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS, Russell Square, London

Fee: Institutional £90 - Individual £75 – Concessions £55



Keynote Speakers Include:


Rod Morgan, Chair, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales

John Muncie, The Open University

Joanna Phoenix, University of Bath

Spike Cadman, Senior Policy Officer, Youth and Crime Section, NACRO

Barry Goldson, University of Liverpool


Performances by the winners of Beyond The Tag


Conference Aims:


Nearly a decade on from the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and the changes to youth justice that accompanied it, ‘Doing Youth Justice’ provides a platform from which to reflect critically upon both practice and policy. This conference brings together speakers from a range of backgrounds who will focus on providing a critical overview of contemporary issues, and provide a framework in which to confront some of the problems of working in the area of youth justice. Areas covered include international comparisons of youth justice work, overviews of contemporary policies, decision making about risk and need, struggles for and between practitioners, possibilities for innovation and constraints to changing policy and practice.


By bringing together a range of practitioners, academics and policy makers this conference will provide a forum to explore the contradictory frameworks governing young people in trouble with the law.


The conference will end with performances from the winners of Beyond the Tag – a regional creative writing competition for young people in youth justice.



For a registration form or more information, contact James Hardie-Bick, Conference Organiser, Tel: 01225-383623, Email@ [log in to unmask]



Dr Joanna Phoenix

Senior Lecturer

Department of Social and Policy Sciences

University of Bath



Tel: 01225-383219