
I use format converter to convert my ppm.out and assigned *.xpk files (from nmrview) to a *.prot and an assigned *.peaks (cyana format).
The conversion ppm.out to the *.prot file is correct.
However format converter doesn't seem to convert correctly some protons, for example:

my prot file:                                           
 755 123.034 0.000 N      50
 756   9.117 0.000 H      50
 757 999.000 0.000 CA     50
 758   4.407 0.000 HA     50
 759 999.000 0.000 CB     50
 760   2.996 0.000 HB2    50
 761   2.980 0.000 HB3    50
 762 999.000 0.000 QB     50
 763 999.000 0.000 SG     50
 764 999.000 0.000 HG     50
 765 999.000 0.000 C      50    

my peaks file:

949   4.396   2.969 1 T          7.370e+02  0.00e+00 a   0  758  762 0
947   3.983   2.978 1 T          7.840e+01  0.00e+00 a   0  769  762 0

You can see that my peaks file points toward the pseudo-atom QB50(762) but there is no assignement for 762 in my prot file (where HB2 and HB3 are defined correctly).

How can we make a good conversion?

Many thanks,
