Hi Julie,

There are a number of groups on Yahoo that are concerned with practical alchemy - although discussion can get quite heated at some times.

My own interest is in the bibliography of alchemy (see url below). I am currently transferring my 1980 book into a bibliographic database and trying to catch up on what has been written since around 1977. The web site has three main pages (full bibliography, 'new this month' and 'available online') together with a subject index and notes on using the bibliography. The web site is generally updated monthly. There is a lot of both academic and popular material available free of charge online. You may find some of these of interest in your work.

As a general appeal, I would very much welcome any references to alchemy that members of this group come across - especially in some of the more out-of-the-way publications.

Best wishes
Alan Pritchard MPhil FCLIP MBCS

ALCHEMY: a bibliography of English-language writings
2nd (Internet) edition at

NOTE my new email address for bibliography purposes: [log in to unmask]

On 2/13/06, Julie Hollingsworth <[log in to unmask] > wrote:
Is anyone on the list presently working on research for writing on alchemy?  I am writing a dissertation on the subject and would love to talk with you all and share information.  Thanks in advance.
Peace and Love,

"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness."
Dalai Lama

Best wishes
Alan Pritchard MPhil FCLIP MBCS
The GLOBAL GAZETTEER(tm): the world on file http://www.allm-geodata.com
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