

More precisely, for the academics who are not practitioners, I'm curious as to why you would pick such a field? Particularly after reading Chris's post wherein he mentions the negative feedback he, and others I presume, get from their colleagues.
  For an academic who's also a practitioner, it's understandable. For an academic who's not a practitioner..., why take the risk? Why choose a field that is so loaded with negative connotations and, as a result, may hurt your professional career?
  Chris, I notice that you also do quite a bit of writing on RPG game theory in which you intersperse actual magical theory and history, is that right? Have you found that to be any kind of buffer for you, or is it just a natural extension of your personal interests? In other words, have you found that writing about arcane magical theory in the context of RPGs is more acceptable among your peers?

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