

To all MP's and MEP's:-  NCIL statement on current financial circumstances:-

Can you please support and attend to this matter urgently on behalf of the 
National Centre Independent Living(NCIL).

As you are well informed that the Government are commited to having a CIL in 
every City and Town across the UK by 2012, but as I have pointed out to you 
all in the past, especially at the 'Whos' Life is it Anyway Conference', 
that I attended and brought to all your attention and having a CIL in every 
City and Town is not ever going to happen if the appropraite funding is not 
put in place for all disabled people's 'run and controlled' organisations 
are not able to compete within the 'market-place'.  As you know many of 
these disabled people's orgainsisations and CIL's and now NCIL are having to 
'close-down', due to funding problems.

Can you please support NCIL on this matter.

Yours Sincerely

Mr Colin Revell, East Riding of Yorkshire... See my email in support of Roy 
Webb and NCIL below....


Dear Roy and all others at NCIL...

As you can see included below I have forwarded a copy of your email to 
various MP's and MEP's in support of National Centre Independent 


Colin Revell

>From: Roy Webb <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Roy Webb <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: NCIL statement on current financial circumstances
>Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 21:41:20 -0000
>  Dear friends,
>one thing which might be useful is if list members could write to their 
>member of Parliament, or to Patricia Hewitt, or both, requesting that the 
>date for Section 64 funding application announcements for all voluntary 
>sector organisations be bought forward, so announcements will be made 
>before 31st March 2006.
>NCIL have been waiting for a statement on their application for funding 
>since September 2005  due to political pressures, where the Department has 
>suspended all funding under Section 64,    because of reorganisation within 
>the Department.we should argue that the funding for voluntary sector 
>organisations has always been budgeted for separately and shouldn't be 
>included in any staff reorganisation calculations.  An announcement before 
>31 March will save at least part of NCIL.  All support welcome.
>Roy Webb
>(personal capacity)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Colin Barnes" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:56 PM
>Subject: Re: NCIL statement on current financial circumstances
>Dear All
>See below; a very worrying situation indeed. So much for the British
>Governments commitment to support user led initiatives.
>National Centre for Independent Living (NCIL) - Statement on current
>The National Centre for Independent Living (NCIL) is coming to the end
>of its current grant from the Department of Health Development Fund.
>Along with many other organisations we are awaiting news on future
>funding.  In part some expected decisions have been delayed due to
>circumstances beyond the organisation's control.
>After a review of our financial position, and in line with our legal
>obligations, the board of NCIL has reluctantly taken the decision to
>issue redundancy notices to staff.  Unless alternative sources of
>funding can be found, the organisation will not have adequate funds to
>meet the current level of operating costs beyond 31st March 2006.  This
>is when the existing funding arrangements come to an end.  This has been
>a painful but pragmatic decision.
>NCIL has been working hard to ensure that the National Centre for
>Independent Living will continue to be the national strategic
>organisation, controlled by disabled people, promoting Independent
>Living in partnership with Centres for Independent Living (CILS) across
>the country.
>We are currently working with a range of organisations and individuals
>to seek a short-term solution to the organisation's current funding
>situation.  We are also working with government to ensure that the
>National Centre for Independent Living can continue its work over the
>long-term and remain a key and active partner in the delivery of the
>government's vision to improve the life chances of disabled people.
>We are striving to put in place arrangements that will enable us to
>continue in our role as leading contributors to the realisation of
>Independent Living for all disabled people.  We will keep our members,
>allies and partners informed of our progress.
>NCIL is unique as a small, national membership organisation controlled
>and run by disabled people.  NCIL has been at the forefront in the
>development of appropriate policy and practice both nationally and
>locally leading to full inclusion and equal citizenship of all disabled
>NCIL is currently producing important work which includes;
>* research leading to a better national understanding of the
>important role and needs of Centres for Independent Living (CILs) across
>the country
>* working for the inclusion of disabled peoples organisations in
>the development of individual budgets
>* leading work with the Disability Rights Commission (DRC) to
>enshrine a legal right for disabled people to independent Living
>* accredited nationwide training for Independent Living advisors
>* researching positive developments in direct payments through the
>evaluation of the 93 projects that received Department of Health
>development fund monies
>* revising a protocol with the Association of Directors of Social
>Services (ADSS) due in March 2006 making a commitment to commission user
>led organisations locally wherever possible to provide support to
>disabled people
>This work is alongside our extensive existing national provision of
>information, facilitating a national network of disabled people's
>organisations, training and consultancy services.
>Dave Morris and Menghi Mulchandani
>Co-Chairs, NCIL Board
>21st February 2006
>For further information please contact Kevin Caulfield, Acting Executive
>Director on 020 7587 1663 or email [log in to unmask]
>________________End of message______________________
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