

Andy at [log in to unmask] writes:

<< how I might find some more information about it I'd be very grateful 
indeed. >>


In addition to the website, the Archaeological Inventory of 
County Leitrim lists 24 Holy Wells, and the Ordnance Survey letters of 1836 
mentions various wells - Holy and "once-Holy" - in various parishes throughout the 
county.  I have both books, and if we knew your townland, I might be able to 
find a reference to your well.  Most of the Slaine references are based on 
Discovery-series maps but, at least for Co. Leitrim, they don't include wells on 
Disc. map 16 for the county.  But, of course, we don't know which Discovery map 
would cover the location of your house, anyway.  A townland name would help.

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Pete Schermerhorn, in the glorious Berkshire hills of western Massachusetts