

On Wed, 18 Jan 2006, Sheila Anderson wrote:

> This discussion thread convinces me even more that the recommendation made
> in a recent JISC report on Repositories undertaken by me and Rachel Heery
> (see - despite
> the fact this is in the AHDS preservation section it is NOT primarily about
> preservation!) should be implemented asap.  In chapter 3 of the report we
> recommend the creation of a typology of repositories in order to better
> organise thinking and future developments. Some of the elements of the
> typology might be:
> Coverage (institution, regional, national, subject etc.)
> Functionality (as in ingest, access, migration, etc.)
> Target User Grp (researchers, learners, teachers etc.)
> Technical services (as in web services)
> Content type (images, texts, survey data, etc.)
> Services (as in services with a human dimension - support for
> creators/users, training etc.)
> I'm sure there may be others. Some early work on this has been done by Kerry
> Blinco and Neil McLean (don't have the URL to hand) and I'm hoping that this
> is something that the repositories support people will take forward - Sarah?

This somewhat daunting task is indeed on the workplan of the digital
repositories support posts:

"Drawing on appropriate sources, to maintain and validate a roadmap for a
repository infrastructure to include a typology of repositories, their
scope, policies, standards, etc"

It is something we could usefully create using the digital repositories
wiki, to enable us to draw on experience of the JISC DR programme
projects and beyond... see


Rachel Heery
UKOLN, University of Bath                       tel: +44 (0)1225 386724